mandag 7. desember 2009

Cape Times - Missing Miners.

The lost African miners.

Sunday night while some miners working at gold fields Driefontein mine a seismic event blow out. A few were injured and two went lost in the mines. On Tuesday the company cud report that there were no new news about the miners but they would keep on searching.
The seismic event measured 3.4 on the Richter scale and caused a fall-of-ground about 2500m below surface. That means it was a big event who cud have dun a lot of damage. Now, late on Wednesday, one of the two miner’s body’s has been recovered. But they still search for the last lost miner, whit a small possibility for being alive. It’s a possibility that he’s alive because the miner was working at “mine 8”, the mine farest away from the event and the mine whit highest rate of air.

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